Frequently Asked Questions
We are committed to listening to our patient’s concerns, understanding the challenges that they face, and responding by utilizing the most effective treatment procedures to ensure functional results. We strive to provide our patients with superior service, professional excellence, and ethical standards of care.
Here are some commonly asked questions,
Payment for orthotic and prosthetic services are due at the time treatment occurs unless other financial arrangements have been previously made. We will be happy to discuss any special needs in the handling of your account. We accept cash, checks, Visa or MasterCard.
The parent or guardian bringing in a child or minor and signing the consent forms will be held financially responsible for all services provided.
Our policy is to assist each patient in receiving the maximum benefit possible from his or her particular insurance plan. Our office will gladly submit prior authorization to your insurance company in an effort to help you determine what orthotic or prosthetic services are available and covered under your insurance plan. Patients with insurance are expected to take care of their financial portion not covered by their insurance at the time of service.
Our office cannot promise that an insurance company will agree with our fees as “usual and customary”. You will be responsible for any balance that your insurance company does not pay. We will not challenge your insurance company over the lack of or the amount of reimbursement for our services.
From time to time, our office may experience difficulty in collecting payments from your insurance company. If no insurance payment has been received in 90 days, the balance will become your immediate responsibility. Since we have no contractual agreement with your insurance company, we will then ask that you act in your own behalf to determine the problem.
When making a health care decision it is important to remember that you, the patient, are ultimately financially responsible for any services rendered. The insurance company can dictate which procedures it will cover, but it cannot dictate the choices you make concerning your orthotic or prosthetic care.
If you have any questions with regard to your orthotic or prosthetic services or any of our financial policies, please let us know.
Beech Street-Commercial
Beech Street-WC
Beech Street-NF
Blue Choice-HMO
BS -Senior Blue
CDPHP-(CHP or FHP) Medicaid
CDPHP-Senior Advantage-MCR
Early Intervention Dutchess Co.
Early Intervention Ulster Co.
Early Intervention Warren Co.
Empire BC
Hamaspik Choice
National Health Administrators
Progressive Health & Life -Todays Options
United Health Care
Vermont Medicaid
Worker’s Comp